BodyMind Spirit Healthcare
* Shamanic Healing Practitioner * Fascial Release Intuitive * Chapman's Lymphatic Reflexes * Initiated Elder |
![]() Living in our crazy, chaotic world is a challenge. It. Just. Is. You may be feeling
Yes. Even for us humans. You may tell yourself, I don't have time to deal with these health challenges, I don't have the money, the energy. You might make a change, feel better for a few days or weeks, then slowly revert to old patterns, habits, now weighted by the nagging knowledge that those patterns aren’t serving you, aren’t healthy. You sample a tangle of approaches, a smorgasbord of supplements and medications, without finding your hoped-for relief. Maybe someone has even told you, "It’s all in your head." Or, "You’ll just have to live with it." Or, "Just give yourself over to my care and I’ll fix it for you." BTW: "all in your head" is actually pretty compelling. Your thoughts, beliefs, profoundly impact your well being. So what people, especially healthcare professionals, say to you impacts your health. Over time, your symptoms of dis-ease and dis-satisfaction worsen, Maybe it's such a slow build you don’t notice until they scream at you, force you into taking action. Hopefully that’s when you make the phone call, write the text or book the appointment that puts you on a less divisive path toward health, toward feeling better and living more fully. The journey IS a long + winding road. Healing IS a journey, a process. There is no "instant" fix. Your journey home to yourself is uniquely yours. It requires courage and commitment. Ultimately its a mystical journey of self-recovery that benefits from a guide who also walks that path. If you want to feel better, more vibrantly alive, it is both possible and imperative to find your way home to your own BodyMind, to begin to reclaim who you truly are, to claim your humanity, your own precious body, your essential curiosity, innate intelligence, emotional experience, memories, and ancestral attitudes and experiences, each of which informs your spirit and influences your health. You matter. We matter. Our combined voices and actions matter. The presence of your true self is necessary to the health and well-being of us all. Be a "way-shower." Experience renewed hope + curiosity about what's possible My role is to help you develop the motivation + resiliency essential to reconfigure yourself over & over again as your life abruptly and inevitably changes direction, heading off on new by-ways toward unknown destinations. Yes, healing does mean making different choices for how you live your life; what you eat; how you show up day by day. It means giving yourself permission to be open and receptive. By realizing you have choices, seeing beyond your own beliefs to a wider perspective of what’s possible, you find the courage, the ability, to live in to that. You become curious about life and what it can offer you, you begin to notice what it IS offering you. BodyMind Spirit Healthcare is here to encourage you as you navigate the unprecedented changes of our time, as you work toward healing both at the micro and macro levels, in your body and for our world. This is not a substitute for working with a mental health professional but does work beautifully both alone or in tandem with mental health counseling. Because sessions work "by priority" and not by a pre-set approach, they are remarkable at surfacing information, at making connections, at just the right time and in just the right way for you. How I can help
I help you ease your BodyMind toward choices about precisely the changes you never knew you needed, BodyMind + Spirit. In my experience, the process of personal reconfiguration roots in deep listening, in the ability to foster coherence between head, heart and gut brains, grounding to the Earth, then weaving together your unique parts and pieces into an ever-revitalized whole. You want to shake hands across time with your younger selves (yes, we each have several younger personas) and reach back to ancestors who are there to support and inform your journey. Sometimes you may want to reach into the future. Shift the heaviness of these times and the process of life-change by embracing the trickster-like essence of life, of the cosmic sense of humor, Laughter heals. Learn to celebrate beauty and develop an intimacy with Nature and Spirit so there are fewer sharp edges and hard divisions within and outside of yourself, so you can become more completely who you are and find the resiliency and courage to do what you are meant to do in and for this world, our world. My particular "medicine" is fascial release. Clients tell me that can't eplain to friends what I do. I can't explain it either. But this page may help, Intuitive Fascial Release. And the best way to learn? Experience a session. Or two. Or 5. For further details on the principles that underlie my approach to healthcare, BodyMind + Spirit, go here.
Ready to schedule? Text Jenna (during business hours please) or visit Schedulicity. |