The Veltheim Method of Lymphatic Drainage

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The Veltheim Method of Lymphatic Drainage offers a highly effective way of moving interstitial fluid through tissues and in to the lymphatic system.
And it feels great.
On the physical level, Lymphatic Drainage assists with conditions like swelling around an injury or chronic edema. It also helps to remove harmful substances from an area, substances like molecules of emotion and pain-inducing chemicals and hormones.
It’s also great preventative healthcare. Healthy cells and tissues rely on a good flow of fluids around them to bring oxygen, glucose and other necessary building blocks so that they can create all the vital products that are designed to keep the body in good health.
Sessions are either hands-on or energetic. As with Craniosacral Fascial Therapy, Ortho-Bionomy and BodyTalk itself, clients remain clothed throughout.
The Veltheim Method of Lymphatic Drainage offers a highly effective way of moving interstitial fluid through tissues and in to the lymphatic system.
And it feels great.
On the physical level, Lymphatic Drainage assists with conditions like swelling around an injury or chronic edema. It also helps to remove harmful substances from an area, substances like molecules of emotion and pain-inducing chemicals and hormones.
It’s also great preventative healthcare. Healthy cells and tissues rely on a good flow of fluids around them to bring oxygen, glucose and other necessary building blocks so that they can create all the vital products that are designed to keep the body in good health.
Sessions are either hands-on or energetic. As with Craniosacral Fascial Therapy, Ortho-Bionomy and BodyTalk itself, clients remain clothed throughout.
“As you go about your day, driving to work, answering your emails, preparing dinner, your lymph nodes are filtering the lymph fluid to identify and attack any foreign invaders in your body, breaking them down, recycling any matter that may be useful while producing and releasing specific antibodies which are released into circulation to address any further invasion . . .”
— Tracey Clark, D.O.(MP)
— Tracey Clark, D.O.(MP)
Did you know?
Why is the Lymphatic System so important?
- Your body holds twice as much lymph as blood.
- The network of lymph vessels serves almost every cell in your body.
- If the movement of lymph stopped entirely, you would die in a matter of hours.
- Many believe that poor lymph health underlies a host of conditions, from cellulite to cancer.
- An Osteopathic principle is that “drainage proceeds supply.” In order for oxygenated blood and nutrition to be received by tissue, lymph carrying cellular waste and excess fluid must drain.
Why is the Lymphatic System so important?
- The lymph is an integral part of the body’s defense mechanism.
- It prevents circulation of pathogens.
- It stores and releases lymphocytes to fight infection.
- The lymph maintains fluid balance in the body.
- It supports the digestive system by counter-acting infection and absorbing fat.
Here is a system that labours continuously to clear away cellular waste, pathogen and toxicity; a system that drains upward, against gravity and, unlike the circulatory system lacks the influence of a dynamic pump such as the heart to assist it. It is an engineering marvel that this vast network of vessels and nodes works with such elegant complexity against the obstacles that it must face. This is not only a system of transport but one that protects and recycles.
— Tracey Clark, D.O.(MP), BodyTalk Lympathic Drainage and Applied Anatomy & Physiology Instructor